Wednesday, 5 April 2017

The Art of War

Book 17 of 2017 is The Art of War by Sun Tzu.

It felt like the right time in my working life to re-read this. It is a short read. The first and last time I read it, I was in my early 20s and I didn't see why any of it mattered. Working in the corporate world 15 years later, it seems more relevant.

Even though this is a 2000 year old Chinese military text, I read it thinking of European warfare and American business. I guess in the end, strategy is strategy.

3 strategies out of 5.

Should I read this? Yeah, every couple of years.
What did I learn? Confusion is a tactic.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Born a Crime

Book 16 of 2017 is Born a Crime by Trevor Noah.

For someone who used to say she didn't like autobiographies, some the best books I have read in the last few years are just that. This is one of them.

I laughed, I cried. I felt so connected to this half black and half white boy telling the story. The culture you grow up with. The never belonging completely anywhere. But I didn't grow up a black man in South Africa so there is a big difference.

If you read any non-fiction this year, let this be it.

5 amazing black mothers out of 5.

Should I read this? Everybody should.

What did I learn? Less learnt than reinforced is the belief I have always had that not really belonging anywhere allows you to belong everywhere. That's how I've always seen myself and it is a nice idea.

Monday, 3 April 2017

The Beekeeper's Apprentice

Book 15 of 2017 is The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King.

I miss Sherlock Holmes stories a lot. Having read all of them over and over, it is lovely to find something written in such a close style and involving my favourite fictional detective.

This was long but it establishes the training of the apprentice and the style of of the series. I will be reading more of this for sure.

4 obvious reasons out of 5.

Should I read this? If you are a Sherlock fan then yes..

What did I learn? You can never get enough of a great literary character.