Monday, 19 March 2018

Wicked Plants: The Weed That Killed Lincoln's Mother and Other Botanical Atrocities

Book 15 of 2018 is Wicked Plants: The Weed That Killed Lincoln's Mother and Other Botanical Atrocities by Amy Stewart.

Non-fiction is always much more terrifying to me than fiction ever could be. It's real. This is real. This book has me terrified of ever going out in the wilderness again.

Australia has the most painful stinging tree... that is no surprise. The surprise is that people have attempted to kill themselves to escape the pain.

The Nightshade family of plants has me scared of ever eating tomatoes or their relatives again.

Here I was thinking Venus Fly Traps were icky. There are much more devastating plants out there and they feel no remorse.

The structure of the book means you could break it up over time and read it while reading other books. I read it in a couple of sittings because it was fascinating.

4 deaths by plant out of 5.

Should I read this? If you are interested in plants that kill you then yes.
What did I learn? We are not safe anywhere!

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